Executive Summary

One of the significant challenges facing network operators today is the high capital cost of deploying next generation broadband network to individual homes or schools. Fiber to the home only makes economic sense for a relatively small percentage of homes or schools. One solution is a novel new approach under development in several jurisdictions around the world is to bundle the cost of next generation broadband Internet with the deployment of solar panels on the owners roof or through the sale of renewable energy to the homeowner. Rather than charging customers directly for the costs of deployment of the high speed broadband network theses costs instead are amortized over several years as a small discount on the customer’s Feed in Tariff (FIT) or renewable energy bill. There are many companies such as Solar City that will fund the entire capital cost of deploying solar panels on the roofs of homes or schools, who in turn make their money from the long term sale of the power from the panels to the electrical grid. In addition there are no Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and Green Bond Funds that will underwrite the cost of larger installations.

For further information and detailed business analysis please contact Bill St. Arnaud at bill.st.arnaud@gmail.com.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Switzerland Government Gets it

Switzerland Switzerland

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

FTTH round table 'making progress'

The Swiss Federal Office of Communications (ComCom) has revealed that
round table discussions on the deployment of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH)
networks are producing concrete results. According to the regulator the
major players are now in agreement on uniform technical standards,
meaning that there are no technical barriers to the rapid expansion of
the fibre network. A consensus has also been reached on coordination,
which will prevent the parallel construction of new networks by laying
multiple fibres in every building (known as the multiple fibre model).
At the same time the participants at the round table have agreed that
all providers must have access to the fibre-optic network under the same
conditions, so as to protect end-users' freedom of choice. The
participants drew up further recommendations for standardised network
access by services. Thanks to an open interface, service providers will
enjoy network access to customers at all times via network operators.
If, at a later date, the customer opts for a different service provider
on the same fibre-optic network, the switch will be possible without any
technical complications.

The roundtable discussions involve cable network operators, telecoms
companies and electricity utilities. Further roundtables and working
groups will be held to clarify points. ComCom will also examine whether
new regulatory measures are needed to govern FTTH deployment, with the
aim of reporting to parliament by mid-2010 at the latest.

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